
Maintaining the peace since 1664.

The Lower Paxton Township Constable provides a wide range of services within Lower Paxton Township but also across the Commonwealth.  Some of the services are serious and have the potential of getting out of hand for an untrained third party.  If your business is looking for additional security or if you are in need of a peace keeper the Lower Paxton Township Constable may be able to assist.

Court/Civil Services:

Family/Domestic Services:

Commercial Services:




Court/Civil Services:

Serving of Civil Paperwork:

A Pennsylvania State Constable serves civil paperwork for private individuals, attorneys, and businesses. These documents include but are not limited to: Divorce, No Trespass orders, no contact orders, demand letters on past due accounts, notices of impending legal proceedings, Cease and desist orders, and demand letters on rented or leased property. If you have a civil issue and need your very important documents served and certified, let our constables give you that peace of mind you deserve.

Court Order Enforcement:

If you have a valid Court Order and the other party is making it difficult to enforce, having a Lower Paxton Township Constable present typically encourages enforcement of the order.  A constable when hired is there to document and observe the exchange and getting involved to maintain the peace if necessary.  For an additional fee the constable will appear in court and testify based on fact.

Process Service:

Process service is legally notifying an individual or party of their involvement in a court proceeding. This is completed by delivering the defendant various types of legal documents via mail and hand delivery by a Lower Paxton Township Constable. There are many ways to serve someone, but using a Constable is professional and usually results in the recipient answering the door or responding to notification that papers are waiting for them. Depending on the case and certain circumstances surrounding it, it is a definite sign that you mean business having a Constable provide the service. Throughout the misstate and across the commonwealth, I will accurately deliver your subpoenas, writs, summons, complaints, and more to the intended party so your case can continue as scheduled, while maintaining a chain of custody. You will be kept up to speed of the progress and provided with an Affidavit of Service to present to the courts showing the service was performed. There are different levels of service and they are done in different time frames. Each has their own cost and options.

Subpoena Service:

When you need a subpoena served to notify someone that they are ordered to appear at a court hearing, you want the best possible option and that's a Lower Paxton Township Constable. A subpoena is a very serious document signed by a Judge and the recipient can be held in contempt for not showing up. When a Constable shows up to serve a subpoena, people know it's a matter of importance. We will make every attempt to serve the subpoena in the timeliest manner and can provide excellent skip tracing options for you if the address provided does not work. My jurisdiction is statewide and often times, a Constable can get into buildings and businesses easier than a regular civilian process server. Whether you are an individual, law firm, or court, you can rest assured that you have chosen the right avenue to have your subpoenas served by using me.

Skip Tracing Service:

Skip tracing is a tool often used by Law Enforcement, Private Investigators, Collection Agencies, or anyone else needing to find someone. In process service, it is used either when an address is bad or no known last address is known. I use various databases and resources to find a valid location to serve an evasive defendants. It is advisable to do as much research on your own before hiring me to save yourself money and there are many apps and areas on the internet that can help you do that easily. Our expertise and years of experience in this service allows us to take on even the toughest serves. If another company has failed in finding your defendant, you can count on the us to get the job done.

Warrant Service:

Criminal Warrants:

Criminal warrants are either Arrest Warrants or Bench Warrants and are issued by a judge or magistrate on behalf of the state, which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual, or the search and seizure of an individual's property. They can be served or enforced by a Pennsylvania State Constable anywhere in the commonwealth. 

Mental Health:

Upon written application by a physician or other responsible party setting forth facts constituting reasonable grounds to believe a person is severely mentally disabled and in need of immediate treatment, the county administrator may issue a warrant requiring a person authorized by him or her, or any peace officer (Constable) to take custody of the named person on the warrant and commit them to a hospital or mental health facility.

Family/Domestic Services:

Child Custody Exchanges:

When it comes to exchanging custody of a minor child or children, there is already enough stress and tension involved between the parents or guardians without worrying about what's going to happen during exchange. A Constable can be hired to be present at the custody exchange and "keep the peace" while parties exchange custody. There are limitations on the actions a Constable will take during a Custody Exchange.

  • A Constable cannot force a minor to go with one parent or the other.
  • A Constable will not restrain the movement of any person or vehicle.
  • A Constable will not physically detain any party unless there is a breach of the peace.
  • A Constable will not resolve disputes during the custody exchange. The parties should bring disputes to the Court that issued the Custody Order at the next court hearing.Upon request, I will document the exchange or failure to exchange and will be available to serve as a witness in a hearing for an additional charge.

A Constable does not have the right to trespass on private property. I will leave the premises if asked to do so. Likewise, if a party or any other person assisting a party is asked to leave the premises and refuses to leave, that person may be subject to arrest or issuance of a citation/complaint for Criminal Trespass.

A party who willfully fails to comply with the Court Order authorizing the custody exchange may be subject to punishment through civil contempt proceedings.  I will not arrest a party for refusing to complete the custody exchange. However, if a party, or any person assisting a party, engage in unlawful self-help action (trespass, unlawful entry into a residence, building or vehicle, disorderly conduct, or assault) or in any action constituting a criminal offense under Pennsylvania law, that person is subject to arrest and/or issuance of a criminal citation/complaint.

Divorce Papers:

A Pennsylvania State Constable serves civil paperwork for private individuals, attorneys, and businesses. These documents include but are not limited to: Divorce, No Trespass orders, no contact orders, demand letters on past due accounts, notices of impending legal proceedings, Cease and desist orders, and demand letters on rented or leased property. If you have a civil issue and need your very important documents served and certified, let our constables give you that peace of mind you deserve.

Domestic Relations:

A Pennsylvania State Constable serves a magnitude of domestic relations documents to include but not limited to: divorce paperwork, child custody orders, and child support documents. Don’t trust just anyone with your important documents, let our professional and experienced constables assist you in this very stressful time.

Property Retrieval:

A Pennsylvania State Constable is a peace keeper. In situations where personal belongings or property are involved after a messy break up, divorce, or even bad blood between ex roommates, our constables are ready to assist you with a peaceful recovery of those items.

Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders:

A Pennsylvania State Constable is able to serve PFA’s for private individuals, attorneys and for the court system. Constables are not limited by everyday business hours as a sheriff’s department or limited availability as a local police department answering emergency calls. If you have an urgent matter that needs immediate attention such as a PFA, let our constables provide you with that peace of mind you deserve.

Commercial Services:

Cease and Desist Notices:

A Pennsylvania State Constable serves civil paperwork for private businesses. These documents include but are not limited to: No Trespass orders, demand letters on past due accounts, notices of impending legal proceedings, Cease and desist orders, and demand letters on rented or leased property. If you have a civil issue and need your very important documents served and certified, let our constables give you that peace of mind you deserve.

Employee Terminations:

Do you have an employee that has behaved badly? If you had to terminate their employment is there a concern of retaliation? Our officers will provide you, your business, and the rest of your employees or visitors with a safer environment. Don’t take the chance of becoming a statistic, contact us today and let our officers provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. 

Internet Purchase Exchanges:

Recently purchase something?  Was it an amazing deal or worth a large sum of money?  A Lower Paxton Township Constable can be present at the agreed upon location to ensure a peaceful transaction is completed.

Landlord/Tenant Issues:

A Pennsylvania State Constable is able to serve Landlord Tenant documents to include; 30 day notices, Pay or Quit notices, Eviction hearing notices and Property Recovery Paperwork. Constables also remove tenants still present on a property after the eviction date has been met. These services are provided to private individuals as well as Attorneys and the Court System. Let our constables provide you with the Peace of mind you deserve that everything is taken care of.

Peace Keeping:

Construction/Utility Job Site Peace Keeping:

Lower Paxton Township Constables can provide over watch for construction crews or utility workers operating in high crime areas. Our constables provide that professional appearance and deterrent required to ward off would be criminals looking for trouble in all the wrong places. If you are working in a dangerous or potentially dangerous area, don’t become a statistic. Let our officers provide you with that safe environment needed to successfully complete your job and return home at the end of the day. 

Crowd Control Peace Keeping:

Lower Paxton Township Constables will maintain peace and order where large crowds have gathered. If you are hosting an event and expect a large crowd or a crowd has gathered for whatever reason, don’t leave it to a security guard. Let our trained and experienced constables give you added confidence that everything is taken care of.  

Public Events Peace Keeping:

Constables are a huge deterrent and can act when an individual is committing a crime. Some public events you will typically find constables are as follows but not limited to: festivals, fairs, concerts, carnivals, fireworks, large celebrations, Parades, sporting events, car shows and much more. 

Retail Peace Keeping:

Pennsylvania State Constables provide peace keeping services where there is a potential for a crime to be committed. Typical places you will find a constable involving retail with that potential are as follows but not limited to: New product unveiling, black Friday events, book signings, and holiday specials. Call or email us to arrange for one of our constables to serve you today. 

Emergency/Disasters Peace Keeping:

During a disaster, resources become very limited and spread thin. Our officers are ready for deployment to any part of the state and in major disasters or emergencies, anywhere in the nation. 

Property Retrieval:

A Pennsylvania State Constable is a peace keeper. In situations where commercial belongings or property are involved after the termination of an employee or property forgotten and refusal to return, our constables are ready to assist you with a peaceful recovery of those items.

Traffic Control:

Lower Paxton Township Constables are experienced to handle any traffic concerns. Whether it’s parking concerns, pedestrian foot traffic on roadways, crowd control, large events, or just added traffic. Let us worry about those issues so you can enjoy your event and have that peace of mind things are taken care of.